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Lewin Probst, M.Sc., Software Engineer

Lewin Probst, M.Sc.

I am characterized by my ability to quickly grasp new subjects, as well as my straightforward, target-oriented and communicative way of working. With my friendly, balanced personality and style of precise expression, I can integrate seamless into a team to foster an enjoyable working atmosphere. My comprehensive, versatile knowledge I owe to my pro-active, dedicated way of facing unknown problems. Finally, I believe the complex relations of the processes to be implemented need to be fully understood to lead the project to success. Finding the balance between time to invest according to the improvement of the product is also a constant factor in my working style.

Due to my abilities as team-player, strong resilience and reliability I am the optimal choice to support your project.

Send me a request about your project.

6-wheeled robot with two GPS antennas and laser scanner

Education, Academic Studies

During my engineering studies in wind energy and marine technology (2009-2012) I consolidated my approach of working thoroughly and meticulously on complex problems. The topic of my final thesis was (roughly translated from German): "Image segmentation of static images based on Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm for the analysis of LineScan data"

I finished my Master of Science degree in Navigation and field robotics in late 2015 with the final thesis having the title: "Robust visual navigation for autonomous underwater track vehicles".

GPS and laser-based snow height measurement devices

Work experience

During my studies I have been working at the Institute of Marine Ressources GmbH, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, as well as the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence as a research assistent. Among other things, I have been responsible for example the development of algorithms, or the conception and selection of electronic parts and sensors for an underwater glider.

From the end of 2015 until April 2019 I was working as a Measuring Technology & Software Engineer in the sections Polar Meteorology and Physical Oceanography at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute in Bremerhaven. I have been responsible for the technical support of the long-term meteorologic observation stations at Neumayer III and FS Polarstern, and the development and optimization of special applications for automated processing of real-time data streams and their visualization. In addition to that, I supported both sections in various expeditions.

Since 2019 I am self-employed as a software engineer.

I am happy to send you my references.

Ice shelf edge


While working at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute I was able to attend four expeditions to Antarctica, where I practiced many different techniques.

Configuration, preparation as well as deployment of oceanographic measurement devices for long-term observations, or instruction and support of the overwinterer in Antarctica during the transition period has been a part of those.

If you are interested, I am happy to send you my complete CV.

Lewin Probst, M.Sc., Software Engineer

Further education, Voluntary

Between May 2016 and May 2017 I have been the head of the department of Volleyball at Bremen 1860, maintaining responsibilities like budget planning and management as well as the internal and external representation of the department.

Within the scope of my job at Alfred-Wegener-Institute I attended advanced trainings like "Introduction to synoptic observation", "Introduction to ozone sounding" and "vLBV Technical Training".